On the Primacy of Understanding Over Method

Volume |Issue 30| Summer 2019 |Articles


An analytical approach based on theory is a worthy methodology in the social sciences and humanities. The problem of research in our cultural context is not in the discussion of technicalities, such as technology, statistics, mathematics, etc., tools that can be used and developed in any context. Theoretical interest in the socio-economic and cultural context of the societies studied is necessary for methodological development. Most social sciences and humanities theories have developed in different stages of time, places, cultural contexts and in light of studies of other societies. Undoubtedly it is useful to utilize these studies, but with objective criticism. But most discussion around methodology revolves around the subject external to the context that it is supposed to address. The overlap of disciplines in fact is an overlap of methodology, i.e. different approaches to the interpretation of the phenomenon, because the perspectives of different disciplines produce different approaches of the subject under discussion. Theories in the structure of reality in a specific area establish a method or approach in the study of these areas.

The challenge is clear for theoretical production through research. This is the achievement of useful analytical approaches and methods for understanding societies and relationships between humans and their cultural and spiritual world in the specific context in question.

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