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Maghrebian Public Space in France Today: The Vision of French Thinker: Michel de Certeau

Volume 5|Issue 21| Summer 2017 |Translation


Michel de Certeau's thinking gears towards constructing a vision of public space in accordance with the dichotomy of the strategic and the tactical. This dualism acts as a method within the daily practices of actors in "systems of social behavior." In displaying the contradictory features of two different worlds in the sociological environment, De Certeau tries to achieve a comparative approach to Maghrebian public space that he regards as a tactic and its counterpart French public space that he defines as a strategy – strategy understood as a system that detects practices and representations, and tactic as an act of resistance to this system, played out as "opposition" in a "private place". It would seem however that "society as a field of conflict" is a reflection of the idea of difference in "world-views" when transferring representations into practices. Indeed, this is reflected in the hypothesis of the expansion and spread of Maghrebian culture as a difference in France, although there is a great deal of interaction and communication imposed by the dominant public space.

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​A prominent Algerian scholar and academic specializing in philosophy, hermeneutics, phenomenology, and contemporary cultural studies. His work bridges philosophical inquiry with cultural critique, offering profound insights into complex topics with accessible language.

Professor in the Department of Political Science, Law School, University of Boumerdes, Algeria. He researches on contemporary political thought, comparative political studies, and epistemology. His major publications in peer-reviewed academic journals include “State building approaches under globalization: a reading of the tension between universal truth and cultural specificity” (September 2015) and “Hegel and international relations: articulation of knowledge and dialectic of representation (February 2016). He is currently preparing his PhD on “The epistemological courses of state building after the Cold War” at the University of Oran. 

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