Book Features

Political Oppression and its manifestations in Selected Samples from Modern Arab Novels by Afif Farraj [Arabic]; Alphabet and its Semantics: Theory and Applications by Assem al-Masri [Arabic]; From the Cultural History of Coffee and Cafes  by Mohammed M. al-Arnaout [Arabic]; Secret Affairs: Britain's Collusion with Radical Islam by Mark Curtis; Islam and Human Rights: Tradition and Politicsby Ann Elizabeth Mayer; Our Bodies, Whose Property? By Anne Phillips; The Origins of the Lebanese National Idea (1840-1920) by Carol Hakim; American Arabesque. Arabs and Islam in the Nineteenth Century Imaginary by Jacob Rama Berman; Music, Politics, and Violence by Susan Fast and Kip Pegley (eds.) and The Book of Genesis: A Biography by Ronald Hendel·

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Political Oppression and its manifestations in Selected Samples from Modern Arab Novels by Afif Farraj [Arabic]; Alphabet and its Semantics: Theory and Applications by Assem al-Masri [Arabic]; From the Cultural History of Coffee and Cafes  by Mohammed M. al-Arnaout [Arabic]; Secret Affairs: Britain's Collusion with Radical Islam by Mark Curtis; Islam and Human Rights: Tradition and Politicsby Ann Elizabeth Mayer; Our Bodies, Whose Property? By Anne Phillips; The Origins of the Lebanese National Idea (1840-1920) by Carol Hakim; American Arabesque. Arabs and Islam in the Nineteenth Century Imaginary by Jacob Rama Berman; Music, Politics, and Violence by Susan Fast and Kip Pegley (eds.) and The Book of Genesis: A Biography by Ronald Hendel·
