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Book title: Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy.
Author: John Rawls.
Translation: Rabie Wahba.
Publisher: Doha/ Beirut: Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies.
Date of Publication: 2019.
Pages: 552.
Academic currently working on the project “Establishing a Democratic State Model in Syria.” He holds a doctorate in political philosophy, his research interests focus on contemporary political theory and philosophy regarding the state, justice, liberalism, democracy, and the social contract. He is a member of the editorial board of Qalamoun: The Syrian Journal of Human Sciences Magazine where he has served as an editor and reviewer, and a member of the General Union of Palestinian Writers and Journalists. He published the book Constitutional Social Justice in Contemporary Liberal Theory: A Critique of John Rawls (Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, 2014) and is a co-author of the book Contemporary Philosophical Thought in Syria (Center for Arab Unity Studies, 2020). He is an accredited peer-reviewer for several academic journals. He has published peer-reviewed research and critical reviews, and participated in numerous conferences.
Tabayyun is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal, published by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies and the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies. First published in in Autumn 2012