Emersion through Reception: a Reading of Heidegger in Arabic

Volume |Issue 26| Autumn 2018 |Articles


Understanding the universe is a constant human preoccupation, with humans constantly striving to define themselves in relation to themselves and to the wider world.  Consequently, the universe is itself shaped by the perceptions of the human observer who is perceiving it. Naturally, there is a difference in the nature of the universe as perceived in Arab thought and by Heidegger. It is important to understand the concept of Al Iqtibal (Reception) itself, which inspired the concept of Al Infilaq (Emersion), because creativity/innovation stems from our reception of the world. The Quranic vision of the universe also presented the possibility of speaking about the concept of boldness, which determines our ability to master the universe. Measuring effectiveness determines the concept of self and the concept of the other, surrounding the self. From here, the paper looks at the benefit of spatial and temporal belonging, to be harmonized with the universe through understanding, reason and governance.

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Arab Center