Lord of Many Homes: In Celebration of the Life and Works of Kamal al-Salibi (May 2-3, 2012 – AUB)

Volume 1|Issue 2| Summer 2012 |Reports


The American University of Beirut honored the late historian Professor Kamal al-Salibi with a memorial celebration and academic symposium organized by the Department of History and Archaeology and the Middle East Studies Center in conjunction with the Provost’s Office. The Symposium was held on May 2-3, 2012 under the title, “He Built Many Mansions: A Celebration of the Life and Works of Kamal al-Salibi.” Each day of the Symposium included three sessions made up of two or more lectures. The back of the program brochure bore Kamal al-Salibi’s words: “History is not only a search for knowledge, but also a search for mutual understanding, and in the house of mutual understanding there are many mansions.”
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