“Unpacking my Library” by Walter Benjamin: A Talk about Book Collecting

Volume 4|Issue 13| Summer 2015 |From the Library


I am unpacking my library. Yes, I am. The books are not yet on the shelves, not yet touched by the mild boredom of order. I cannot march up and down their ranks to pass them in review before a friendly audience. You need not fear any of that. Instead, I must ask you to join me in the disorder of crates that have been wrenched open, the air saturated with the dust of wood, the floor covered with torn paper, to join me among piles of volumes that are seeing daylight again after two years of darkness.

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Deputy Director of the Book Translation Unit at the ACRPS, Syrian author, translator and also a medical doctor. His major translations include Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism by Benedict Anderson, as well as articles on “Buddhist Mysticism and Psychology,” works from Suzuki, “Freud and Buddha: Psychoanalysis and Zen Buddhism,” “Freud’s Women,” work from Paul Rosen, “Critical Theory: The Frankfurt School,” and articles from Alan Howe.

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