Standard Amazigh: Between the Invention of a New Language and the Manufacturing of Ideological Illusion

This study begins with a historical introduction of the evolution of the “Amazigh question” from the late 1960s to the present, and its role in shaping an individual’s consciousness, culture, history, identity, and awareness of self and surrounding. For some, the Amazigh language has become the essence of the entire Amazigh question. This paper discusses the controversies surrounding the language and the complexities embedded in the question of linguistic identity for the population of the Greater Maghreb. This study is an endeavor to answer questions such as: is Amazigh a single language with different dialects, or is it composed of multiple and different languages that are bound by common traits? Can we even speak of a unified Amazigh language in the context of the great linguistic diversity characterizing the Greater Maghreb? What is behind the oft-repeated calls to standardize and regulate this language in preparation for its unification? 

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This study begins with a historical introduction of the evolution of the “Amazigh question” from the late 1960s to the present, and its role in shaping an individual’s consciousness, culture, history, identity, and awareness of self and surrounding. For some, the Amazigh language has become the essence of the entire Amazigh question. This paper discusses the controversies surrounding the language and the complexities embedded in the question of linguistic identity for the population of the Greater Maghreb. This study is an endeavor to answer questions such as: is Amazigh a single language with different dialects, or is it composed of multiple and different languages that are bound by common traits? Can we even speak of a unified Amazigh language in the context of the great linguistic diversity characterizing the Greater Maghreb? What is behind the oft-repeated calls to standardize and regulate this language in preparation for its unification? 
