Book Review: The Two Fundamental Problems of the Theory of Knowledge By Karl Popper

The richness of Karl Popper's text, The Two Fundamental Problems of the Theory of Knowledge, in terms of both formation and polemic, as well as the epistemological debates it subsequently raised concerning the nature of scientific reason, make this a worthy text in itself. The book cannot thus be considered as a preliminary draft of Popper's later, more well-known book The Logic of Scientific Discovery, as it is much more than this.

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The richness of Karl Popper's text, The Two Fundamental Problems of the Theory of Knowledge, in terms of both formation and polemic, as well as the epistemological debates it subsequently raised concerning the nature of scientific reason, make this a worthy text in itself. The book cannot thus be considered as a preliminary draft of Popper's later, more well-known book The Logic of Scientific Discovery, as it is much more than this.
