The importance of this paper lies in both the author and his reading of Gramsci, a pioneer of political theory from a revolutionary perspective. By emphasizing the concept of hegemony/dominance, Gramsci draws attention to access to power not being the endgame for political revolutionaries. Rather, their continued pursuit of hegemony, that is, society's acceptance of them as leaders rather than as de facto rulers, is the only way to overcome the old regimes, and immunize themselves against counter-revolution. He also advises the necessity of building a true socialist society in which socialism means more than mere economic planning accompanied by political alienation from the masses. Additionally, Gramsci points out that the creation of the nation is the first obligation for revolutionary forces because the nation is the carrier of any modern society. Hence, the centrality of politics is expressed in Gramsci's thought as the process of communication between human consciousness and the natural and social world. Gramsci can play a significant role in developing political awareness among the Arab elite to overcome the disappointments and impasses of the Arab revolutions.