Faysal Darraj in the Theory of the Novel and the Arabic Novel

This reading considers, reviews, questions, and draws conclusions on its subject on the basis of three pillars which enable the reconstruction of the read and teach the important articulations which are candidate for its productive energy in this treatment which includes the central bases of the subject. It reformulates them through the processes of critique, deconstruction, amendment, and addition which Faysal Darraj intensifies and puts into effect theoretically and in application by the force of the critical act and its divesting energy.

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This reading considers, reviews, questions, and draws conclusions on its subject on the basis of three pillars which enable the reconstruction of the read and teach the important articulations which are candidate for its productive energy in this treatment which includes the central bases of the subject. It reformulates them through the processes of critique, deconstruction, amendment, and addition which Faysal Darraj intensifies and puts into effect theoretically and in application by the force of the critical act and its divesting energy.
